Your art insider in Paris since 2012!

city|art insider has been created by the French historian of art and art consultant Caroline Etter and the Canadian entrepreneur Carolyn Smith in Paris. They associated their expertise to make the French art scene more accessible for art lovers and art collectors from the all world.

12 years later, city|art insider is run by Caroline Etter, working with independent guides and consultants, all active professionals in the Paris art world. Each has their own area of specialty and we match them carefully according to our clients' interests. With whom you work depends on the style of art you wish to acquire or tour, from antiquities to contemporary art and photography.

Navigating through the exceptionally rich artistic Parisian offer is a big challenge - with the hundreds of art foundations, art galleries, museums, artists studios, events and always fascinating - we keep up for you!

Caroline Etter

Caroline Etter (photo Stan Wolff)

After graduating from the Sorbonne University Paris, Caroline Etter started working at the Villa Médicis in Rome and at Bibliothèque nationale de France. Since then she’s been a curator, a journalist, a gallery manager working with private and corporate clients. She is teaching contemporary art at French university of Paris Cergy and in art management schools. She is also accredited guide for French museums. She’s lived in London, Munich, Rome and Paris; speaks French, Italian, English and German and grown an international network of art world colleagues on which she draws for city | art insider clients.

Following a career in public broadcasting, then a marketing consultant, Carolyn G Smith is now a certified therapist in Toronto (contact).

Votre art insider à Paris depuis 2012 !

city | art insider a été créée par l’historienne de l’art Caroline Etter et l’entrepreneur canadienne Carolyn G Smith pour rendre la scène artistique parisienne plus accessible aux amateurs et aux collectionneurs d’art du monde entier, principalement en art contemporain.

12 ans plus tard, city|art insider est dirigé par Caroline Etter, en équipe avec un réseau de guides indépendants et experts, tous professionnels du milieu de l’art à Paris. En fonction de vos centres d’intérêt et de vos recherches, art contemporain, céramique, antiquités, nous choisirons la personne la plus indiquée.

Avec sa centaine de centres d’art, de galeries d’art, de musées, d’artistes, d’événements, évoluer dans la scène artistique aussi exceptionnelle que Paris est un enjeu passionnant et sans cesse à renouveler - city|art insider veille pour vous !

Diplômée de l'université de Paris La Sorbonne, Caroline Etter a commencé à travailler à la Villa Médicis à Rome puis à la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Elle a été journaliste, commissaire d’exposition et manager de galerie d’art. Elle enseigne l’art contemporain, l’art numérique et le marché de l’art contemporain à l’Université de Cergy et dans des écoles spécialisées et est également guide-conférencière professionnelle. Elle a habité Londres, Rome et Munich et Paris et a développé un réseau international dans le domaine artistique qu'elle met désormais au service des clients de city | art insider.

Après une carrière dans l’audiovisuel public au Canada, puis avoir été consultante marketing, Carolyn G Smith est aujourd’hui psychothérapeute assermentée à Toronto (contact).


"Thank you for a brilliant walking tour. Loved soaking in your knowledge and enthusiasm. Thank you again for another ‘eye widening’, informed and fun tour. Loved meeting you."

-- Libbi, May 2018


"Whether it’s helping you to plan a significant acquisition for your collection or simply immersing you in the vibrant behind-the-scenes life in the city’s coolest contemporary galleries and artist studios, the dynamic duo seem to know everyone and have access everywhere." Read more...

-- Norman Howe, President, Butterfield & Robinson

"It was amazing to get an expert critique at the fair, as well as the history and background of each artist. I enjoyed meeting the artists and hearing how they conceived and executed their pieces -- being introduced to ideas and conversations I wouldn't have had access to without city | art insider."

-- Meg, Geneva

"We were new to art buying in Paris and Caroline made the experience much less intimidating. Her extensive knowledge of the art community meant that she could put together a portfolio of potential artists that really suited our tastes.

It was obvious that the galleries knew and respected her. As a result, those who met us were welcoming and attentive.

Caroline is also a great tour guide who loves to share her knowledge and passion for her beautiful city. The lunch spot she chose for us was almost as fabulous as the art we acquired!"

-- Laurie, Toronto